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How an Amputation Attorney Can Help You

Posted on 08/19/24 by admin in Catastrophic Injuries

When advocating for severely injured clients, we here at Malloy Law Offices always hope for a full recovery from whatever injury compelled our client to seek legal representation. Chronic injuries can require a lifetime of upkeep and monitoring to ensure the highest possible standard of living. As a personal injury law firm which stresses a client first approach and a culture of empathy for injured persons, we take special pride in fighting for those with long term injuries and winning compensation on their behalf. However, the unfortunate reality is that a full recovery from some injuries just isn’t possible. One such category of these injuries is amputations. The loss of a limb or other appendage in a serious injury is regrettably common. Today on the Malloy Law Blog, we’ll be discussing how an amputation attorney can help after loss of a limb.


Differentiating Types of Amputations

You may be most familiar with the term “amputation” as a medical procedure. This is what is known as “surgical amputation.” It is most often employed in cases of blood infection or vascular disease, and can also be used to abate certain aggressive cancers originating in one region of the body. In general, surgical amputation is employed in cases of body part destruction beyond any hope of repair, tissue death, and disease or infection. These circumstances may require the removal of an appendage in order to save a life.

The other category of amputation, which is generally more relevant to the discussion of amputation in a personal injury context, is “traumatic amputation.” This can occur when a body part is:

  • Cut or torn off
  • Burned severely
  • Crushed
  • Denied blood flow (such as in cases of severe frostbite)

This can lead to the on-site severing of the appendage or render it beyond saving.

surgical amputation

Common Types of Amputations

Traumatic amputations account for almost 1% of all emergency room visits. By far the most common type of traumatic amputation is a partial hand amputation. This is when a person loses a finger or a part of a hand. This often occurs as a result of a mishap with power tools, including lawnmowers and snowblowers. Men are more susceptible to these injuries in particular and amputations in general. Men suffer these injuries at roughly a four to one ratio compared to women. Adults suffer amputations at a 3 to one ratio compared to children. The loss of an entire arm is the second most common category of traumatic amputation. Lower limb amputations are especially common in severe motor vehicle accidents, especially those involving motorcycles and pedestrians.

amputation attorney

Seeking Compensation for an Amputation Injury

When seeking compensation for an amputation injury caused by the negligence of another, the long-term consequences of the loss of a limb must be considered. A dedicated amputation attorney can help. An attorney with experience winning compensation for victims of amputation injuries will include the costs of securing an appropriate prosthetic replacement and the rehabilitation necessary adapt to it. In addition, an amputation attorney will be able to assist with vocational re-training and disability benefits in the event that an amputation prevents the victim from returning to their pre-accident career.

traumatic amputation

How an Amputation Attorney from Malloy Law Can Help

If you or a loved one has suffered loss of an appendage in a traumatic accident, Malloy Law Offices can help. Our experienced and diverse team of attorneys is home to the DMV’s amputation injury specialists. We can evaluate your case free of charge and pursue maximum compensation on your behalf. Don’t face the overwhelming, traumatic circumstances behind a life-altering amputation injury alone. Contact Malloy Law today and let’s win your case.